Categories House Design

This Weekend Retreat Is Actually Five Candy-Colored Tiny Houses

An exercise in letting go—that’s how the designer Leah Ring describes her Yucca Valley, California, home, a secondary residence she shares with her husband, the artist Adam de Boer. De Boer, in fact, proposed on the property, though one year and a renovation later, a rogue sandstorm blew through on the day of the nuptials, a fitting welcome to desert life if ever there was one.

designer in a green patterned dress standing next to husband seated in a dark denim like blue armchair against a purple wall and wood floors

Leah Ring with her husband, Adam de Boer; a work by de Boer hangs behind them. The chair is an archival Another Human design.

Laure Joliet

Ring—whose six-year-old Los Angeles–based studio, Another Human, works

Categories House Design

7 DIYs that add instant character, according to interior designers

“Custom lampshades are a great way to bring in a different color or pattern to a room,” says Blythe Roberts McNerney, the other half of Griffith Blythe Interiors. Retailers such as Ballard Designs and Oka sell a variety of pretty fabric shades, which can easily swap in for the standard linen or paper ones that come with lamps from most big box stores. (For British brand Oka, you’ll need to buy a shade adapter.) As a guide, the shade’s diameter should be twice the width of the lamp base, and its height should be two-thirds the height of the base,

Categories House Design

10 speedy and stylish ideas |

Quick and easy paint projects can be a simple and satisfying way to uplift areas of your home with a colorful, unique and bespoke look – and they can be great fun, too.

Whether you have a collection of sample paint cans that you don’t know what to do with, or leftover paint from another decorating project, getting creative with paint ideas can help put that leftover paint to good use.

From colorful paint tricks on woodwork, to painted picture frames, fireplaces and more, these small paint projects will inspire you to pick up a paint brush this weekend.